
The article examines the problems of cadet education, which have found their justification in the views of modern scientists, including representatives of the psychological and pedagogical direction. The analysis of works of modern authors related to the formation of civic identity is carried out. The analysis showed the features of the axiological foundations of the formation of civic identity among cadets in the modern system of Russian education. It also presents an analysis of the identified values on the problem of the formation of civil identity among cadets in the conditions of modern civil society. The phenomenon of the formation of civic identity is considered as an element of the culture of citizenship, or civic culture. Various positions of the authors on the pedagogical features of the formation of civic identity among pupils of cadet corps are presented as the identity of the individual with the status of a citizen, the willingness and ability to fulfill the duties associated with the availability of citizenship, enjoy rights, and take an active part in the life of the state. Proceeding from the axiological foundations of the formation of a person's civic identity, the authors propose to investigate the level of formation of life-meaning orientations through an analysis of the combination of terminal and instrumental values. The article presents the results that show the importance of the formation of cadets' civic identity as a result of the process of correlating oneself with the civic community, its values and norms, which brings the students of cadet corps to the awareness of their identity on the basis of understanding the rights and responsibilities realized in the process of participation in the life of society.

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