
The article highlights motivational types of aromatonyms. The aim of this research is to analyze motivation of aromatonyms, the object is proper names denoting perfume, the subject - their motivational features. 1800 of English aromatonyms selected from print and electronic media serve as the material of the study. Aromatonym is a specific class of proper names, domineering feature of which is the impact on potential users for the purpose of commercial advantage. To achieve this goal nominators use by the way motivational features of aromatonyms trying to create in the mind of the recipient the appropriate image thanks to powerful associations. It is logical that the most frequent are symbolic aromatonyms. Leading positions are occupied by propositional and modus types of motivation, and domineering motivators in the process of creating aromatonyms are the subjects of production, qualitative and names of aromatic elements. These are the most easily categorized information blocks in the mental lexicon of a person who usually while processing new information starts looking for a dentate that satisfies the need to understand the essence of the analyzed phenomenon. It was indicated that proper names with a simple motivation are distributed between qualitative, possessive and associative motivation according to classification of N. Torchynskiy and propositional and modus with motivators -qualitative, aroma elements and subjects of production according to classification of O. Selivanova. A significant match can be noted in intensive usage of qualitative and possessive among aromatonyms, due to the general mechanisms of perception and processing of individual mental lexicon. Key words: aromatonym, motivation, proper name, perfume, concept.

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