
The quality and safety of food products, including those intended for children’s nutrition, are a priority for the World Health Organization. At present, in order to ensure the quality and safety of food products for child nutrition, there are numerous regulatory and legal acts in Russia. The article provides the systematization of the regulatory and legal framework, taking into account the requirements for food products intended for child nutrition (for the raw materials used, prepared food, its nutritional value, enrichment with vitamins and micronutrients, the use of appropriate packaging and marking) and for the processes that make up its circulation (manufacturing, storage, transportation, sale, advertising and product information). Information on marking of food products for children’s nutrition in accordance with Technical Regulations of the Customs Union 022/2011 was given. The information on the main consumer characteristics of food products specified in the legislation of the Russian Federation was considered. When comparing this information, its inconsistency was established, which can make it difficult for the consumer to choose the right food products for children’s nutrition and its further use. With regard to food products intended for child nutrition, marking serves as the way of communicating information to the consumer. As a result of comparing the information on marking of packaged food products with information on the main consumer characteristics of food products, their inconsistency was also revealed, which may complicate the observance of the consumer’s rights for safety of product and information about the product. It was noted that marking of food products for child nutrition is a relevant source of information for a doctor. The authors proposed ways to optimize the regulatory framework governing the quality and safety of food products intended for child nutrition. Key words: food products, child nutrition, safety and quality of child nutrition, technical regulation, marking of child nutrition, consumer protection

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