
The author examines key indicators of the development of physical culture and sports in the city of Sevastopol, providesa comprehensive analysis of the availability of sports facilities, personnel of the physical education and sports industry,the level of education of workers in the physical education and sports industry, the number of people involved in physicaleducation and sports, preferred types of sports facilities, and financing sources of physical education and sports.The author of the article considers the development of adaptive physical education and sports in the city of Sevastopol.In particular, the article provides data on the number of people engaged in adaptive physical culture, the distribution forreasons of disability, and the level of funding for adaptive physical education in the city of Sevastopol.Since 2014, the city of Sevastopol is part of the Russian Federation, during which time serious systematic work wascarried out to develop physical education and sports in the city. Undoubtedly, the development of mass sports, the implementationof the «Ready for Labor and Defense» complex in Sevastopol, and the involvement of adults in physicaleducation are of great importance.Today, the development of physical culture and sports in the city of Sevastopol is quite uneven, many indicators are ata relatively low level. The purpose of this study is to identify problem areas by key indicators of the development ofphysical education and sports. The tasks that the author sets himself: to consider the level of development of physicaleducation and sports in the city of Sevastopol, to analyze indicators for the development of physical education and sports.The study was based on official statistics presented on the website of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federationand the Office of Youth and Sports of the city of Sevastopol, reports of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federationon the implementation of programs for the development of physical culture and sports.As a result of the study, the key problem points in the development of physical culture and sports in the city of Sevastopolwere identified and ways to solve these problems were presented.The results presented in this article can be used for further studies of the development of the sphere of physical cultureand sports both in the city of Sevastopol and in the Southern Federal District as a whole.

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