
The article is devoted to the research and analysis of the migratory moods of students of higher education institutions during studies as an important factor of their life prospects. In recent years, Central and Eastern Europe has been experiencing particularly acute problem of labor migration processes that are going in one direction. Young working population is leaving the country and is not coming back. It should be noted that such a vector of economic migration is always directed from the periphery towards the center, and from developing to more economically developed countries. At present, there is an intensification of migration processes in the world, and these processes increasingly involve the population with high level of human capital (people with university and post-university education). In the scientific literature, this process is referred to as "elite migration" and implies mass migration of highly skilled professionals, which is associated with an increase in the role of multinational corporations and, consequently, a decrease in the role of the national economy in the global economy.Countries that are interested in "brain gain" and know their economic cost are pursuing an active and purposeful migration policy to attract highly qualified specialists from developing countries. The purpose of the article is to carry of the migratory moods of higher education institutions in Central and Eastern Europe as an important factor of their life prospects. Because of the special political, social and economic situation in Ukraine caused by the conflicts in the Eastern regions of the country and the economic crisis the study puts more emphasis on Ukraine. According to expert estimates, migration of individuals with high level of social capital is determined not only by social and economic problems that are characteristic of countries in a transitional economy, but also by political and sometimes cultural factors. Often, the migration of the social elite is a response to the systemic crisis that these countries are experiencing in the process of democratic formation. Facade democratic regime, the general inefficiency of the economy, the decline in the level of culture and education in society, as well as the lack of clear prospects, all become push-factors that determine the departure of such individuals. We characterized the migratory moods in the context of possible emigration, identified and compared the prerequisites and motives of the students‟ paid and volunteer work, as well as found the connection between the students' field of study and their type of work. Based on the results of the research, we can state that the respondents' professional plans are directed towards external labor migration, which will negatively affect the economic development of the regions due to the loss of promising workforce.


  • The article is devoted to the research and analysis of the migratory moods of students of higher education institutions during studies as an important factor of their life prospects

  • Central and Eastern Europe has been experiencing acute problem of labor migration processes that are going in one direction

  • There is an intensification of migration processes in the world, and these processes increasingly involve the population with high level of human capital

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Класифікація видів трудової міграції

Можна зробити висновок, що більшість студентів вважають, що причинами збільшення емігрантів в найближчий час є нестабільність в Україні, високий рівень безробіття та безперспективність. Наші студенти прагнуть виїжджати за кордон на роботу та навчання через нестабільний і несприятливий соціально-економічний клімат в Україні. Що впливають на відтік людських ресурсів є: нестабільність в країні, відсутність перспектив та неврегульована політика. Вища в 5–10 разів заробітна плата в інших країнах приваблює низькокваліфіковану робочу силу. Таблиця 1 Розподіл відповідей на запитання: «Скажи, Ти особисто хочеш виїхати з країни»?

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