
The practical development of the algorithm for optimal control of mine ventilation was preceded by comprehensive studies of the specific features of mining sites in order to obtain their mathematical description. The latter includes the static and dynamic characteristics of objects, i.e. the relationship between input and output values. The purpose of the research: to develop methods and management tools aerogasdynamics processes on mining sites of coalmines. Research methods. The methodology based on the system approach; modern methods of mathematical statistics, decision theory; mathematical logic devices; factor analysis; mathematical modeling; set theory and system analysis. To determine the dynamic characteristics of aerogasodynamic processes, experimental methods were used, divided into active and passive. The active method consists in con-structing a dynamic model of airing objects by approximating the transition curve obtained because of special effects on the airing object with an analytical expression. Statistical dynamics methods were used to obtain dynamic characteristics based on normal operation data. The method of correlation analysis was used. Results of research: experimental verification showed that the maximum relative error of in determining the methane concentration from the static characteristic constructed using a modified technique does not exceed 10 %. The value of the error was determined by comparing the static characteristic obtained by the modified correlation analysis method with the exact static characteristic of the airing object. The latter were found with regard to dynamic properties of the object and additive structures aerogas dynamics processes. Conclusion. The method of correlation analysis can be used to determine the dependence of the methane flow rate on the airflow rate in the steady-state mode, i.e. the static characteristic q = f (Q) for the site and lava. To determine the static characteristics based on the data of normal operation with a limited observation interval (5-10 days), a modified method of correlation analysis is proposed. Small values of the relative error of indicate the possibility and feasibility of using a modified correlation analysis technique to construct a static characteristic of the airing object based on random processes of methane concentration and air flow obtained during normal operation of the site. The static characteristics C= f (Q) and q= f(Q) are widely used to determine the mathematical expectations of the methane concentration and flow rate of mining sites, in the modeling of ventilation facilities and in the analysis and synthesis of mine ventilation control systems.

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