
The article is devoted to the issue on protecting the employees' labour rights in case of an employment dispute, which is considered regarding corporate rights of company owners. The article emphasizes that during work employees are bearing more and more rights and obligations that are realized in different types of relationships. It is also stated that in case of disputes arising from employment relations, courts need to take into ac- count basic factors of labour law. The purpose of this article is to develop proposals for to improving the mechanism of for the protection of emplyees' labour rights. In order to achieve this goal, the author analyses judicial practice regarding the protection of employees' labour rights in disputes related to business entities' functioning, as well as it reveals the contractual nature of labour relations and formulates the proposals on creation of legal conditions for the pro- tection of employees' labour rights. The subject of the study is the judicial protection of company owners' corporate rights and the labour rights of employees. The object of the study is the protective legal relations that arise in the process of resolving labour disputes by the courts of Ukraine. The deductive method used in the work made it possible has allowed the author to substantiate the need for a clear distinction between labour and corporate rightslaw, consider- ing labour disputes and as well as the necessity to take into account the specifics of the method of legal regulation in labour law, in particular the contractual nature of the entrenching of on rights and obligations. The method of induction has revealed the theoretical and practical problems of the distinction between corporate and labour rights. The theo- retical and prognostic method has been used to substantiate the proposals for the improvement of labour legislation to protect the labour rights of employees. Categories and methods of formal logic have been widely used in the work: concepts, definitions, proofs, judgments, analysis, synthe- sis, analogy, comparison, generalizations, etc. The paper focuses on the judicial bodies' powers on the necessity to allocate the specialization of judges for the consideration of labor cases. Based on the case law analysis, the improvement of the national labour legislation on wrongful dismissal is proposed. In fact, every court case in which labour disputes are settled has its own peculiarities and specifics, which in its turn requires the specialization of judges who have to consider labour disputes. It is the specialization of judges in Ukraine that will provide an opportunity not only to guarantee the emploees' labour rights, but to practically improve the mechanism for the protection of employees' labour rights enshrined in collective and employmentagreements.

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