
New technologies determine the civilizational development of mankind, affect the quality of life of people all over the world, regardless of whether it is a big city or a remote rural settlement. The use of new means of livelihood radically changes the character of a person in the modern conditions of reform. Therefore, in today's world, it is very important for a specialist to be able to solve new problems in non-standard situations, as well as independently acquire information and critically evaluate it, and not just accumulate and memorize it. The subject of the study: technologies for the development of cross-disciplinary competence of future teachers of professional education. The purpose of the article: to characterize modern technologies for the development of cross-disciplinary competence of future teachers of vocational training. A feature of the professional activity of a teacher of vocational training is the use of cross-disciplinary competence as a basis for applying knowledge, its synthesis and increasing the effectiveness of student training, forming in them the knowledge and skills necessary for effective professional activity in modern society. Cross-disciplinary competence contributes to overcoming disciplinary boundaries, which are determined by the peculiarity of the pedagogical activity of a teacher of vocational training. The research methodology is based on general research methods of analysis, synthesis and generalization. Conclusions. Cross-disciplinary competence in future teachers of professional education is the basis for successful professional activity. The cross-disciplinary competence of a vocational teacher is based on the ability to comprehensively apply knowledge, synthesize it, transfer ideas and methods from one field to another, and show creativity and originality in all this. For the development of cross-disciplinary competence in future teachers of professional education, in our opinion, it is advisable to use: technologies for the development of communicative competence; technologies for the development of digital competence; technologies for the development of critical thinking; problem-based learning technologies; STEM technologies; technologies of emotional development; training technologies; H. Altshuller's technology.

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