
The basic physical laws of the processes of inelastic deformation and fatigue damage accumulation in structural materials (metals and their alloys) for various complex modes thermocyclic loading and main approaches to modeling these processes are considered. It is noted that the rule of linear summation of damage (hypothesis Palmgren - Miner) in the calculation of the fatigue life when block mode thermocyclic loading can lead to both conservative (with a stock) and non-conservative estimate. The results of numerical modeling of the block thermocyclic deformation and fatigue damage accumulation in compact specimens with concentrators in a nonuniform stress state are given. Particular attention is paid to the study of complex processes thermocyclic deformation and fatigue damage accumulation, accompanied by the rotation of the main areas of stress tensor, and full of plastic deformation and fatigue damage accumulation processes. Comparison of the results of calculations carried out with experimental data showed that the model used in the article damaged the environment (MEAs) fairly describes the experimental data and can be effectively used for calculating the kinetics of fatigue damage accumulation in materials and structures under block mode thermocyclic loading. Keywords: thermocyclic strength, mechanic damaged the environment, difficult deformation, fatigue life, strength, macroscopic crack, destruction. &nbsp

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