
Abstract. The purpose of a comprehensive study carried out at All-Russian Research Institute of Reclaimed Lands in 2016–2018 was to assess meteorological, agro- and biochemical factors that could affect the formation of potato yields. Research methodology and methods. The methodological basis of the study was the experience operating in the system of crop rotation, in which potatoes were cultivated on ridges under various patterns of fertilizer application. The object of research was table potatoes – the mid-early variety Gala. Sod-podzolic light loamy gleyous soil was characterized by pHKCl 4,2–5,3, high content of mobile phosphorus and potassium compounds, and also humus content 2.2–2.5 %. Organic potato fertilizer multi-purpose compost and mineral fertilizers (ammonium nitrate, double superphosphate and potassium chloride) were introduced under the potato either together or separately – with tape or scattered. As factors capable of influencing the formation of the crop yield during each of the growing seasons, we used the determination of nutrient content in the soil, moisture level, activity of enzymes of the oxidoreductase class – catalase and dehydrogenase. In parallel, meteorological observations were carried out. Results. The level of increase in potato yield in fertilized variants relative to the control variant (without fertilizers) for the three-year study period averaged 31 %. The highest yield was observed in the variants with the planned yield of 45 t/ha with the combined use of multi-purpose compost and mineral fertilizers regardless of the method of their application: scatter or ribbon in the ridge, respectively. The highest potato yields were obtained in 2017 favorable for agroclimatic conditions. Statistical processing revealed high levels of correlation of productivity with the content of mineral nitrogen in the soil, with its redox coefficient and moisture. Scientific novelty. Potato yield depends on meteorological, agro- and biochemical factors. To obtain high potato yields in the Non-Chernozem zone, the balanced introduction of nutrients taking into account their content in the soil, weather conditions, and the activity of redox processes is of decisive importance.

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