
Background: Professionally oriented training implies involvement of professional knowledge and job-related skills. However, non-linguistics majors at the primary stage of tertiary education have no experience in specialism-related areas and situations. As a result, they fail to communicate effectively in the professional environment. To solve the problem, E. Miroshnichenko has introduced ‘implicit specialization’, i.e. integrated development of socio-cultural and professionally oriented communicative FL competence in non-professional communication spheres. The researcher implements her teaching strategy based on printed materials, whereas the author of this paper advocates a somewhat different approach: communicative competence in English can be acquired through audiovisual implicit specializing. Purpose. The assessment system is an integral and essential part of teaching and learning. It should provide valid and reliable measures for evaluating communicative FL competence. The purpose of our research is to develop assessment criteria for measuring the development of communicative FL competence in monologue production in the process of audiovisual implicit specializing of would-be economists. Results. Given non-linguistics specialization of students, their FL proficiency level and primary stage of tertiary education, we offer the following criteria to assess communicative FL competence: 1) relevance of a monologue to the communicative situation; 2) accuracy and appropriateness of vocabulary; 3) pronunciation accuracy; 4) grammar accuracy and range of grammatical structures; 5) speech tempo; 6) number of simple and compound sentences in the utterance. In the context of communicative approach, when assessing accuracy and appropriateness of language use, it is essential to take notice only of those lexical, grammatical and phonetic mistakes that distort the meaning and interfere with students’ ability to produce comprehensible utterances. To illustrate the assessment procedure, the article provides some assignments and samples of students’ answers. Discussion. Application of the above-mentioned criteria to assess socio-cultural and professionally oriented communicative FL competence in monologue production of Economics majors verifies practicability of communicative FL competence development based on audiovisual implicit specializistion. Situational models of communication incorporating lexical units of economic register in non-professional communication presented in videos are of primary importance for successful development of lexical competence both at the primary and follow-up stages of tertiary education. Pronunciation standards provided by video facilitate the qualitative upgrading of pronunciation skills

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