
A comparative analysis of Ukrainian and Russian non-official political discourses is presented in the paper. Indicators of emotionality and political interrelations intensity are considered. Political texts of online-media «Ukrainska Pravda» and «Lenta.ru» were used for the research. Period: 2005 – 2019. The indicators were calculated with computer programs (Python language). The difference between the two discourses was observed in 2005-2013. In Ukraine political interrelations intensity indicator is larger, however has been decreasing from 2005 (1,4 – 0,9), in Russia the indicator is much smaller (0,41-0,47). In 2014-2015 in Ukraine the indicator decreased to 0,86-0,88, and in Russia an insignificant growth was observed. This may be explained with information policy change of the Russian mass media because of the «hybrid» war. The general trend in Ukrainian political discourse is decrease in political interrelations intensity, which is interpreted as being a reason of constant non-official mass media discourse digitalization. There is one more difference between the two discourses – in the emotionality indicator. High numbers (0,35-0,42) in Ukraine in 2005-2013 and low ones in Russia (0,19-0,22). And the positive correlation is found between political interrelations intensity indicator and emotionality in Ukraine. And there is no such correlation for Russia, thus political interrelations in the country don’t provide emotions. After 2014 emotionality indicators are almost the same (for Ukraine decrease of the indicator, for Russia – increase). And one more difference is in emotional level of texts about political actors (the countries’ presidents). Here to 2013 a significant difference is observed with high emotionality of messages about Yuschenko and Yanukovych (however in the case of the latter constant decrease of the indicator is observed). In the times of Poroshenko low numbers are discovered, however, in 2019 the largest indicator is fixated. In Russia the less emotional period is for Medvedev, this shows the imitative character of the power change in the country, and from 2014 the indicator growth is observed. Thus, in the first period of digitalization, emotionality and political interrelations intensity indicators seems to be significant to differentiate the authoritative (Russian) and transitive (Ukrainian) regimes.

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