
The exercises offered in manuals and textbooks for teaching Ukrainian for foreign students in the process of propaedeutic education are analyzed in the article. Also the study of scientific and didactic literature on the use of the outlined exercises was carried out; each of their types is characterized. Among them: language exercises (grammatical, lexical and phonetic); translation exercises, transformation exercises, substitution exercises; question-answer exercises, conditional speech and speech exercises. It has been determined that language exercises are aimed at training and automating the use of language material, at understanding and memorizing the structural components of language present in oral or written communication. It was found that quality of such exercises are not enough, because their purpose is the isolated formation of language skills, they are devoid of situationality, and therefore do not contain a communicative task, but instead provide for the achievement of a formal language task. It is determined that bilingual exercises are used as a means of comparing the facts of two languages, which allows students to consciously master the language material. It is established that under the condition of the presence of a speech situation and a communicative goal, transformational exercises are able to solve educational problems. It is outlined that substitution exercises are necessary for implementation in training under the condition of the correct organization of work, in particular existence of the thought-over functional instruction and creation of a speech situation during performance of such exercises. It was found that transformational and basic exercises under certain conditions of the organization acquire a communicative orientation and signs of conditioned speech exercises. The basis for building a system of exercises for teaching the Ukrainian language for foreign students are selected sets of conditional speech and speech exercises, which will ensure the development of students speech skills at the initial stage. It is determined that conditional speech exercises are used for the formation of speech skills, speech - for the formation of students' speech skills, in particular, for students to acquire the ability to express their own and understand other people's opinions in accordance with the functions of communication. The requirements that will ensure the formation of students' speech skills and within the established system of exercises - the transfer of these skills into speech skills are outlined.

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