目的:研究不同攻击性水平大学生面孔识别的差异,深入了解个体产生攻击行为的内在机制。方法:采用分层整群抽样选取西南大学大一至大四学生123名,采用外显攻击性问卷和内隐联想测验,并按照27%的原则,筛选出高、低外显攻击被试和高、低内隐攻击被试各30人,然后对不同攻击性水平被试进行面孔-物体识别实验,因变量为被试的反应时和正确率。结果:1) 个体对面孔、物体识别的反应时存在显著差异(P < 0.001),个体识别物体的反应时显著大于识别面孔的反应时;2) 不同攻击性分组在面孔-物体识别任务上不存在差异。结论:1) 个体对面孔的反应速度显著快于对物体的反应速度;2) 不同攻击性水平不影响个体在面孔-物体识别任务中的行为学指标。 Objective: Study the characteristics of face recognition among college students of different aggression levels, and have a deep insight into the internal mechanism of individual attack behavior. Methods: Using stratified cluster sampling, we obtained 128 college students from Southwest university including freshmen and senior students. With BPAQ aggression questionnaire and implicit association test (IAT), we sorted out four kinds of subjects, high and low explicit aggression, high and low implicit aggression, according to the principle of 27%, each of 30 people. Next, subjects of different aggression levels performed face-object recognition experiments. The dependent variable was the reaction time and accuracy of subjects. Results: 1) There was a significant difference (P < 0.001) in response time between faces and objects. The response time of the individual recognition object was significantly greater than that of the recognition face. 2) Groups of different aggression levels had no difference in face-object recognition tasks. Conclusions: 1) The response speed of recognition faces is faster than that of the object. 2) The levels of aggression do not affect the individual behavioral indexes in face-object recognition tasks.
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