
The article deals with the analysis of the initial vegetative status of students with different levels of physical activity and frequency of respiratory movements. The functional reserves of the body are subject to increased requirements not only for training activities, but also for the training load. In this regard, the purpose of this work is to analyze the heart rate variability in students, taking into account the level of physical activity and the frequency of respiratory movements. Registration and analysis of HRV was carried out using a modern complex electrophysiological laboratory “CONAN-4.5”. Mathematical processing of the ECG makes it possible to obtain a number of temporal, spectral and geometric indicators, thanks to which an objective assessment of the state of the autonomic nervous system, including its sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions, is carried out. This method allows you to explore and evaluate the mechanisms of regulation of the cardiovascular system, as well as the tension of regulatory systems. Statistical processing of the material was carried out using Statistica 10.0. Cardiac activity of students was assessed. The gradation of the numerical values of the tension index of the body's regulatory systems was proposed by Shiryaev O. Yu. and Ivleva E. I., who took into account that with severe stress and diseases, the tension index can increase to higher values. As a result, it was proposed to distinguish five types of IN: vagotonic, normotonic, sympathicotonic, suprasymaticotonic, and transboundary. The latter is characterized by an increase in the prevalence of the sympathetic nervous system in the range of more than 600 c.u. During the mathematical processing of the electrocardiogram, numerical values of the stress index were obtained. It was revealed that among the entire studied array of students (when differentiating the IWT calculated according to IN) «normotics» are characterized by an optimal ratio between the parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions of the ANS. When analyzing the electrocardiogram, the values of heart rate were obtained and a relationship was established with the stress index and the type of change or absence of rhythm disturbance in students with different vegetative status. The work established the relationship between the initial vegetative status and the frequency of respiratory movements in students with different vegetative status. Students were offered a test to determine the coefficient of physical activity. The coefficient of physical activity is the ratio of the average daily energy expenditure of a person to the energy expenditure at rest, to the so-called basal metabolic rate. We established the relationship between the stress index and the coefficient of physical activity in students with different vegetative status.

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