
Recently, in Ukraine, as well as in most countries of the world, there is a decrease in the consumption of fossil fuels (gas and oil), and the need for their rational use. Therefore, it is promising for Ukraine to create its own renewable energy source based on the cultivation and processing of bioenergy power crops as raw materials r. Particular attention, both in the world and in Ukraine, is given to the cultivation of highly productive energy crops, the above-ground plants of which is used for biofuels production. Aim. To establish the optimal dose of mineral fertilizers for Miscanthus Giganteus cultivating, to substantiate their influence on the growth and development of the crop in the conditions of the Right Bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine. Methods . Field, laboratory, analytical and statistical. The research was conducted in 2015-2017 in the zone of unstable moisture under the conditions of the Bela Tserkva NAU. The test was laid out according to the method of systematic repetition: in each repetition, the experimental variants are arranged sequentially in sections. The experiment repeatition - four-time. Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers were introduced under autumn plowing, nitrogen ones - in the spring. Planting the rhizomes weighing 50-60 g at a depth of 6-10 cm with row width of 70 cm. The density of planting was 15 thousand pcs / ha. Results The results of research on the influence of mineral fertilizers on the growth and development of the miskantus in the conditions of the Right Bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine are presented. In particular, data on phenological observations, the main shoots the height of and the bush in general, and the ability to form additional shoots depending on the nutrition background are shown. Conclusions. It was established that Miskanthus plants have the highest indices of field similarity, the main shoots height and the bush in general, the formation of additional shoots, and so on inder introduction of mineral fertilizers in a dose of N 90 P 45 K 120 . For this dose of fertilizer, the duration of the growing season was 170 days, the bush reached a maximum in the main shoots height and equaled 210 and 207 cm, respectively, the bushiness made13.2 pieces of shoots in the bush, which greatly affects the productivity of the above-ground mass of miscanthus. Key words: miskanthus, mineral fertilizers, sprouting, main shoots height, planting

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