
The article is devoted to the software product MediaWiki, proposed by the authors of the article for use as a platform for creating the software and technological core of the faculty, which, in turn, is a typical element for building prototypes of the faculty and models. The model considered in the article is proposed by the authors as a comprehensive solution to the problem of digital transformation in the field of education. According to the authors of the article, the MediaWiki software complex, supplemented by domestic software and open source products, will effectively solve the problem of managing information flows in the educational process. The article describes the experience of creating standard wiki systems for faculties and scientific schools of Moscow State University and their use as central elements of the digital transformation of university faculties. The article discusses the creation of a network tool that ensures the management of digital information flows that are formed between teachers and students in the learning process, as well as the development of a system of rules for the interaction of participants in the educational process in the educational process. A digital environment that creates conditions for the successful development of the system. Currently, three systems are being tested, created by specialists from the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Moscow State University in the framework of inter-faculty agreements with the Faculty of Law and the branch of Moscow State University in Sevastopol. The system is built taking into account the experience gained by the authors during the inter-faculty course Introduction to Wikipedia.

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