
The article analyzes the results of a study of imperfect competition in social and labor relations and its impact on employment and unemployment in the domestic labor market. The relevance of the study is due to the negative socio-economic phenomena of the labor market, which are a consequence of the spread of imperfect competition in social and labor relations, that cause ineffective reproduction of the labor in the domestic labor market, expressed in insecurity and structural shifts in labor reproduction. The analysis of the impact of imperfect competition on the domestic labor market is carried out for the period from 2000 to 2018 using the methods of correlation analysis, as well as statistics of imperfect competition in social and labor relations, unemployment, employment, and wage. The study aims to scientifically substantiate the problem of the quality of reproduction of labor in the domestic labor market. The article provides a scientific justification for the strengthening of the role of wages in the reproduction of labor. In the modern internal labor market, the main financial source of labor reproduction is the wages of workers, the level of which is largely determined by imperfect competition in social and labor relations, and its negative impact contributes to a decrease in the level of average wages and the spread of unemployment among certain social groups of workers. In this regard, the main problem of the reproduction of labor in the domestic labor market is the increase in the gap between the price of labor and the use-value of the reproduction of labor. Methods of statistical research and analysis, methods of mathematical modeling are used as methods of scientific cognition. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that reducing the impact of imperfect competition on the domestic labor market helps to weaken structural shifts in the supply of labor, reduce unemployment and increase the employment of certain groups of the work force, which will entail an increase in average wages and will improve the quality of labor reproduction. The author predicts a weakening of imperfect competition until 2025, which will have a positive effect on the domestic labor market. Positive changes in the structure of employment and unemployment are expected, as well as an increase in the level of average wages of workers.

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