
Unexpected abnormal deformation processes in rock masses lead to disruptions in the operation of mining facilities and endanger human life and health. The studies show that physiographic conditions, physical and mechanical properties of rocks, features of structural and tectonic structure of the rock mass can influence the unexpected character of the deformation phenomena. One of the important parameters that determines the development of catastrophic deformation processes is the geodynamic activity of the rock mass, which forms its stress state. The purpose of the research is to develop methodological approaches to identification of potentially hazardous areas in the rock mass. To do this, experimental studies were carried out in a mine where unexpected abnormal deformations took place, and the role of influencing factors was analyzed. Experiments were performed using geological, geophysical and geodetic methods. As the result of the study, it was established that unexpected emergency deformation processes develop in areas where the maximum number of complicating factors is concentrated. A rating evaluation of the area of surface development has been developed based on a combination of factors affecting the stability of the rock mass. The developed approaches make it possible to diagnose the rock mass and identify areas where geomechanical processes develop according to special parameters. Area zoning can be the basis for the development of automated monitoring system of rock mass deformations to prevent unexpected emergency events.

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