
The information on the rock mass behavior in the course of mineral mining is of vital necessity for exploration and mining companies. In engineering decision-making as well as for the prevention of possible difficulties, it is required to have the most comprehensive data on physical and mechanical properties of rock masses. The aim of this study is determination of physical and mechanical properties of placer rocks in the Rakovsky and Bolotny stream channels in the Vedugin gold occurrence area, as well as assessment of elasticity and brittleness of ore and rocks to define their susceptibility to rockbursting. It is found that bedding rocks in Rakovsky and Bolotny placers down to a depth of 87 m below ground surface are rockburst-non-hazardous. The research findings are usable in elaboration of project documentation for mining Rakovsky and Bolotny placers, as well as in selection of technologies for supporting rock mass and for actual mining of placer reserves. In the latter case, it is possible to make reasonable decisions on support design and geotechnology parameters so that to combine mining safety with the quality of mineral extraction as early as the project design. It is recommended that Burkandya company undertakes continuous monitoring and prediction of rockburst hazard as mining is advanced to deeper levels.

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