
Urgency of the research. In the context of the Ukraine’s integration into the European Union, it is necessary to take into account the advanced western experience in the development of the cultural sector, to rethink it taking into account our native, ethno-mental specifics. Target setting. The study of the processes of social transformation in modern Ukraine involves the development and analysis of new concepts that can reproduce them and comprehensively present them theoretically. They include the concept of cultural and creative industries. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. The theme of the culture-creating potential of creative industries is developed by such scientists as Ye. Bohatyrova, O. Lazarieva, S. Oliinyk, I. Petrova, V. Solodovnyk et al. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. Consequently, the priority for the research are the concept, prerequisites for the emergence and prospects of the formation of creative industries. The research objective. The purpose of the publication is the study of the role of creative (cultural) industries with the analysis of the origin and semantic layers of the concept "culture", "creativeness", "creativity" and derivatives of the terms "cultural industries" and "creative industries", which today are often used in scientific studios. The statement of basic materials. There are significant differences in the interpretation of the term "creative industries" even at the initial stage of its study. The great attention of scientists to the problems of the creative economy and creative industries, a wide range of approaches and the phenomena under investigation generate the ambiguity of this concept, which is relatively new in the Ukrainian scientific discourse. An analysis of the semantic load of the term “creative industry” and the peculiarities of its interpretation by foreign and domestic scientific thought allows us to state that the problem of interaction between culture and economics at the present stage of social transformation becomes common in the aforementioned studies. Conclusions. A comprehensive study of the phenomenon of creative industries is possible only if we take into account the multiplicity of approaches to the interpretation of culture in Western European philosophy and the peculiarities of the interpretation of culture in the context of domestic worldview tradition.

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