
Urgency of the research. Effective influence on the surrounding world is the most important problem of human society. Target setting. The study of public opinion in the context of the personal and national centrifugality of recent decades, manifested in the struggle for the dominance of one or another communication paradigm is of particular relevance. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. The interpenetration of morality and politics inevitably leads to extreme tension in the humanitarian sciences due to the intersection here of the irrational-sensual (social psychology, anthropology, ethnology) and rational-volitional (political science, sociology, ethics) spheres associated with the formation of self-consciousness and the creation of civilized forms of communication. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. The combination of various interests is always a test for politics as the art of the possible and for morality as the mental basis of human existence. The research objective. The purpose of the article is to analyze the communicative and regulatory specifics of public opinion. The statement of basic materials. A person in the process of socialization, simultaneously existing in a contradictory uniquely universal dimensions, tries to comprehend the possibilities of personal influence on the environment. The author uses methods of observation, questioning, idealization, modeling and comparative analysis. The main hypothesis is that the mentality of people forms the power and through public opinion (the dominant worldview algorithms in the mass consciousness) influences the politics. Conclusions. Public opinion is the only reliable mediator or productive compromise between morality and politics, guaranteeing the harmonious coexistence of power and people in a promising society. The more consolidated position the people demonstrate, the more controllable and civilized (moral) the power is, the more flexible the power, the more politically literate the people become and, as a result, the civil consciousness is formed.

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