
The paper characterizes the components of linguistic self-education, which allow to reveal its essence. We have ascertained that in modern world there is an increase in attention to self-education, which is gradually taking priority positions in the development of a student’s personality as a subject of educational activity. In this regard, purposeful formation of his/her preparedness for linguistic self-education, which we consider as a priority task of getting ready for the postgraduate stage of foreign language self-instruction, should be carried out while studying at higher educational establishments. Linguistic self-education is both the process and result of an individual’s own conscious work, responsible attitude and significant efforts of self-creation through self-development and self-improvement, including all constituents of «self». To gain a deeper insight into the essence of linguistic self-education, as well as to define its role and place in the theory and practice of future specialists’ training, we have analyzed a number of definitions, united by a single root «self», which are structural components of linguistic self-education. Self-awareness is an internal mechanism, through which a person is able to feel his/her capabilities, independently set goals and choose the best ways to achieve them. Self-knowledge determines an individual’s aspiration for constant personal and professional growth and self-improvement. We have singled out and characterized the spheres of personality that should be covered by self-knowledge and which undergo qualitative changes within the process of linguistic self-education, namely: personality sphere, value-motivational sphere, emotional-volitional sphere, sphere of abilities and capabilities, cognitive sphere, sphere of activity, prognostic sphere. Self-comprehension is important for understanding the tasks and process of one’s own linguistic self-education. Among the most common ways of self- comprehension it is relevant to single out the following ones: self-observation, self-analysis, comparison of oneself with a certain standard. We have concluded that linguistic self-education has undeniable advantages in the context of modernizing the existing system of students’ professional foreign language training and is an effective instrument for personal and professional life-long self-improvement.

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