
The study focuses on the fact that during the period of digital transformation, modern models of digital competencies have emerged, which serve as the basis for the formation of new standards in the field of education, for the expansion of the teaching professions of the future, for the transition to new learning technologies (mapping, scribing) and the development of professional competencies of students, one of which is information competence. The following issues («prospects of digital transformation in education», «types of models of digital competencies», «information competence as an existential skill and long-term metaability», «mapping as a process of translation of meaning-making», «specific characteristics of cards», «technology of scribing in education») which rise in modern research and affect the improvement of the educational process in the digital educational environment of the university are subject to discussion. Attention is drawn to the description of the pedagogical experience of using mapping and scribing for the development of information competence of university students. The examples of maps created by students and undergraduates of the direction of training «Pedagogical education» and contributing to the formation of their deep and error-free digital educational footprint are given. The influence of mapping and scribing on increasing motivation to learn and the emergence of new student startups in the field of education is investigated. The leading research methods are: analysis of digital competence models for the relevance of the process of developing information competence of university students; analysis and selection of modern technologies in the period of digital transformation in education; generalization of conceptual provisions on information competence and its role for human development; generalization of the pedagogical experience of using mapping and scribing for the development of information competence of university students. Promising areas of research are: the formation of a collection of maps for use in professional activities, for their cognitive analysis; development of the direction of video scribing for distance and additional education of students; identification of the advantages and disadvantages of mapping and scribing and their effectiveness in the development of students' information competence. The research materials are of practical value for students, undergraduates, university teachers and teachers of other educational institutions who are looking for new technologies in organizing the learning process.


  • The examples of maps created by students and undergraduates of the direction of training «Pedagogical education» and contributing to the formation of their deep and error-free digital educational footprint are given

  • Promising areas of research are: the formation of a collection of maps for use in professional activities, for their cognitive analysis; development of the direction of video scribing for distance and additional education of students; identification of the advantages and disadvantages of mapping and scribing and their effectiveness in the development of students' information competence

  • На основе анализа данных моделей нами выявлено, что составной частью каждой из этих моделей является описание информационной компетенции как экзистенциального навыка или долговременной метаспособности, которая применяется в течение всей жизни и в разных контекстах для личности

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Новые способности и навыки в сфере образования в период цифровой трансформации

Характеристики информационной компетенции создание индивидуальных образовательных маршрутов, коммуникация готовность использовать цифровые инструменты, новые технологии (картирование, скрайбинг и др.) для решения проблем и повышения самомотивации разработка образовательных треков с учетом индивидуальных достижений, способностей и целей обучаемого способность создавать цифровой контент, творческие навыки работы с цифровыми ресурсами и критическое к ним отношение развитие индивидуальных когнитивных навыков умение работать с информацией подготовка и реализация стартапов, самооб- формирование глубокого и безошибочного разование цифрового образовательного следа

Самомотивация и саморазвитие информационной компетенции
Карты стартапов
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