
Subject of research: the system of preparation of future managers for the application of pedagogical management technologies. The survey used online survey, scaling and ranking methods. The purpose of the study: to outline the structural and functional model of the system of training future heads of general secondary education institutions to use the technologies of pedagogical management. the struc-tural-functional model of the system of preparation of future managers for the appli-cation of pedagogical management technologies is presented, the main structural blocks and the nature of their interaction are outlined. It was found that the target block of the presented model is system-forming, as it reflects the purpose and leading tasks of the system of training future managers, which serve as a basis for determining the content, organizational forms, methods and means of forming readiness to apply pedagogical management technologies. The methodological block, in turn, reveals a system of eponymous approaches and principles (general didactic and specific), which became the scientific basis for defining and implementing pedagogical conditions, structuring the content of the system of training future leaders to use pedagogical management technologies, optimal choice of forms, methods and teaching aids. activities. The content block is determined by the educational program, curricula, programs, textbooks, manuals, modern scientific concepts and methodological developments in pedagogical technologies, which are essential for the formation of the ability of future leaders to apply pedagogical management technologies. The procedural block is characterized by the integrity and systematization of the educational process in terms of master's degree, ensuring the participation of the applicant in all activities. Implemented through the use of training and diagnostic technologies in the training system. The control unit reproduces the achievement of the goal, ie the end result of the process of preparing the future leader for the application of pedagogical management technologies - the formation of this readiness. The proposed model corresponds to the identified trends in the coordination of changes in professional activities and the content of vocational education on the example of training future managers to use technologies of pedagogical management. The presented model can be considered as a basis of original strategy of professional education in the conditions of a magistracy, but at the same time, efficiency of its application needs to be checked in an experimental part of research for the further comprehension and adjustment.

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