
Breeding and varietal studies in All-Russian Research Ya.I. Potapenko Institute for Viticul-ture and Winemaking − branch of Federal State Budget Scientific Institution «Federal Rostov Agricultural Research Center» are carried out in the northernmost Russian region of industrial grapevine cultivation. New technical varieties have been bred that have a number of economi-cally valuable features inherent in wild Ameri-can species and Amur grapes, with berry quality close to European varieties. In recent years, technical varieties with white berry: Ledyanoy, Prestige, Izumrud, Nectariy and varieties with colored berry Lyrica, Krasnostop Carpi and Yakhontovy have been transferred to the State variety Testing. The results of the study of these grape varieties in the period from 2015 to 2022 are presented. These varieties have good winter hardiness, consistently high yields, re-sistance to major fungal diseases and are suita-ble for the production of high-quality dry wines. The article presents data on the main ag-robiological and technological indicators, me-chanical and chemical composition of bunches and data on winter hardiness. The tasting eval-uation of the wine material from the studied grape varieties is given. Based on the conduct-ed research, all tested varieties are recommend-ed for the production of high-quality dry wines. The studied grape varieties are used in further breeding work as sources of resistance to fungal diseases and adverse environmental conditions.

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