
هدفت الدراسة إلى التعرف على النظرة العامة لخريجي الثانوية العامة نحو الالتحاق بکليات التقنية، وحصر الأسباب المعينة على التحاق خريجي الثانوية العامة بالبرامج التدريبية بکليات التقنية، کما تم أخذ أراء الخبراء والمختصين في مجال التدريب التقني والتعليم العام لتحديد سبل تعزيز النظرة الايجابية والحد من النظرة السلبية لدى خريجي الثانوية العامة تجاه الالتحاق بکليات التقنية، والتعرف على أهم نتائج بعض التجارب الدولية المشابهة. توصلت الدراسة إلى نتائج من أهمها: أن النظرة العامة لخريجي الثانوية العامة نحو الالتحاق بالکليات التقنية نظرة إيجابية متوسطة، إلا أن الطالبات تتمتعن بنظرة إيجابية عالية نحو الالتحاق بکليات التقنية مقارنة بنظرة إيجابية متوسطة من الطلاب، ولدى طلاب التخصصات الشرعية نظرة إيجابية أعلى ودافعية أقوى نحو الالتحاق بکليات التقنية مقارنة بزملائهم طلاب تخصصي العلوم الإدارية والعلوم الطبيعية، کما أن طلاب الثانوية العامة في مدينة جدة لديهم دافعية أقل نحو الالتحاق بکليات التقنية مقارنة بزملائهم المتواجدون في بقية المدن (الرياض، جيزان، الإحساء، سکاکا).وقد تلخصت الأسباب المعينة على الالتحاق بکليات التقنية في: توفر فرص عمل لمشاريع صغيرة (العمل الحر) بعد التخرج، وأهمية التدريب التقني والمهني في النمو الاقتصادي للمملکة، وحاجة سوق العمل لخريجي کليات التقنية. وکانت درجة موافقة أفراد الدراسة (الخبراء والمختصين) عالية جدا حول سبل تعزيز النظرة الايجابية والحد من النظرة السلبية لدى خريجي الثانوية العامة تجاه الالتحاق بکليات التقنية، والتي تتلخص بما يلي: تعزيز قيم العمل والاتجاهات الإنتاجية عن طريق توجيه الطلاب وإرشادهم في مراحل التعليم العام حول التدريب المهني ومجالاته ومميزاته وحاجة البلاد له، وإجراء البحوث التي تناقش مشکلات التدريب التقني، والتنسيق الفعال بين التخطيط التربوي والتخطيط الاقتصادي لتلبية احتياجات المجتمع ومتطلبات سوق العمل، وتطوير کليات التقنية لتمنح درجة البکالوريوس والماجستير والدکتوراه في مجالات الهندسة التطبيقية إضافة لبرنامج الدبلوم. وأخيرا لخصت الدراسة أهم ما يتميز به التدريب التقني والمهني في بعض التجارب الدولية، وأوصت بأهمية وضع خطة وطنية لتعزيز قيم العمل المهني والتقني، وضرورة دمج التدريب التقني في مراحل التعليم الاساسية، والترکيز على بحث مشاکل التدريب التقني في المملکة العربية السعودية وايجاد حلول لها.   Abstract This study aims to identify the general perception of high school graduates about attending technical colleges, and identifying specific reasons for the enrollment of high school graduates training Technical Colleges. Ways to enhance positive and reduce the negative perception among high school graduates to attend colleges of technology were also identified by TVET and education experts. This study, also, identify some of The most important results of similar international experiences. The study finds that high school graduates perception of technical colleges in general is moderate. However, female students have higher positive perception towards technical colleges compared to moderate positive perception of male students. It is clear that students specialized in religious discipline have higher positive perception toward technical colleges enrollment compared to students specialized in administrative sciences and natural sciences.  High school students in the city of Jeddah have less motivation toward technical colleges compared to their colleagues in the cities included in this study (Riyadh, Jizan, Al-Ahsa، Sakaka). The most important reasons to enroll in technical colleges has been: opportunity for small business (self-employment), the importance of technical and vocational training to the economic growth of the kingdom, and the labor market needs for technical colleges graduates. The degree of approval of the study individuals (experts and specialist(on ways to strengthen the positive and reduce the negative perception among high school graduates to attend technical colleges was very high، which can be summarized as follows: to promote the values ​​of work and productivity trends through guide students and guiding them in the stages of public education about vocational training and its scope and its features and the country needed him. Conduct research that discusses technical training problems. Coordinate between education planning and economic planning to meet the labor market needs and satisfy the people’s daily requirements. The need to develop technical education to not limit its programs to diploma and offer bachelors, masters and doctoral degrees in the field of applied engineering. Finally, the study summarizes the most important characteristic of global technical and vocational training. This study recommends that the importance of a national plan to promote vocational and technical work values​​, the need to integrate technical training in the stages of basic education, and focus the search on technical training problems in Saudi Arabia and its solutions. Abstract This study aims to identify the general perception of high school graduates about attending technical colleges, and identifying specific reasons for the enrollment of high school graduates training Technical Colleges. Ways to enhance positive and reduce the negative perception among high school graduates to attend colleges of technology were also identified by TVET and education experts. This study, also, identify some of The most important results of similar international experiences. The study finds that high school graduates perception of technical colleges in general is moderate. However, female students have higher positive perception towards technical colleges compared to moderate positive perception of male students. It is clear that students specialized in religious discipline have higher positive perception toward technical colleges enrollment compared to students specialized in administrative sciences and natural sciences.  High school students in the city of Jeddah have less motivation toward technical colleges compared to their colleagues in the cities included in this study (Riyadh, Jizan, Al-Ahsa، Sakaka). The most important reasons to enroll in technical colleges has been: opportunity for small business (self-employment), the importance of technical and vocational training to the economic growth of the kingdom, and the labor market needs for technical colleges graduates. The degree of approval of the study individuals (experts and specialist(on ways to strengthen the positive and reduce the negative perception among high school graduates to attend technical colleges was very high، which can be summarized as follows: to promote the values ​​of work and productivity trends through guide students and guiding them in the stages of public education about vocational training and its scope and its features and the country needed him. Conduct research that discusses technical training problems. Coordinate between education planning and economic planning to meet the labor market needs and satisfy the people’s daily requirements. The need to develop technical education to not limit its programs to diploma and offer bachelors, masters and doctoral degrees in the field of applied engineering. Finally, the study summarizes the most important characteristic of global technical and vocational training. This study recommends that the importance of a national plan to promote vocational and technical work values​​, the need

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