
Introduction . Word - formation in the Russian and Azerbaijani languages і s the main tools for enrichment of vocabulary, which reflects the picture of the status of the language: the richer and more multifarious the vocabulary, the richer and more developed the language is. Р urpose of the article is to disclose and analyze peculiarities of w ord - formation in the Russian and Azerbaijani languages. М ethods of the analysis, synthesis, abstraction are used in the article. Results. In modern Russian there are the following types of word formation of nouns: suffixal, prefixal, and prefixal-suffixal. Technical terms are formed accordingly on the same models. There are no prefixes in the Azerbaijani language; nouns formed in Russian by either prefix or prefix and suffix are morphologically formed according to the grammatical structure of the Azerbaijani language. Originality . Since the grammatical structure of the language and its basic vocabulary form the basis of the language, the essence of its specifics, the laws of modern Russian word formation, including terminology, are closely related to both the grammatical structure of the Russian language and its inherent grammatical categories and form, and with the lexical, (vocabulary) system of the Russian language, with its main vocabulary and vocabulary as a whole in their interaction. Conclusion . The study of the suffix word-formation of nouns in the Russian language and affixal word-formation in the Azerbaijani language shows that from the basics of simple verbs, for example: yazmaq (write), qazmaq (drill), bicmək (znat, reap) nouns affix –ci, -ci, -cu, -cu, but after the formation of nominal bases with other affixes, for example: qazimaci (driller), qoruq-cu (guard), bicinci (reaper).

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