Aim: to study the association of food and inhalation sensitization with the severity of atopic dermatitis (AtD) in order to improve its treatment and prevention methods. Patients and Methods: the study included 50 patients with AtD from 2 to 44 years old. The study included clinical and laboratory research methods. The survey analyzed the history and anamnesis vitae, estimated the age at the AtD onset, determined the nature of concomitant pathology, the possible causes of cutaneous exacerbation, the allergic severity in the family history, the severity score on the SCORAD (Scoring of Atopic Dermatitis) scale and the efficacy of previous therapy. The immunological examination consisted of the quantitative determination of specific IgE and IgG antibodies in the blood serum to inhaled and food allergens by immunochemiluminescence assay on an IMMULITE 2000 XPi analyzer. Results: according to the detection frequency of IgE to food allergens in patients with AtD: the leading positions were taken by the chicken egg (egg white in 26% of cases, egg yolk in 20%); IgE to banana was detected in 17% of cases; in 12% — to cow’s milk, more common — to the β-lactoglobulin fraction. When studying the activity of inhaled allergens, respiratory sensitization to the cat epithelium was detected in 26% of cases, and to black birch — in 24%. Hypersensitivity to herbs (wormwood, herbal mixture) and house dust allergens (8%, respectively) was found much less common. In severe AtD, IgE to respiratory allergens prevailed: at n=38, the IgE concentration to cat epithelium and black birch was 12.4±1.4 IU/mL each. Besides, there was a significant sensitization to food allergens, namely, the IgE concentration to egg white — 5.4±0.9 IU/mL. Conclusion: the study revealed the sensitization of patients with AtD to food (mainly egg white, egg yolk, banana and cow’s milk) and respiratory (mainly cat epithelium, black birch) allergens. Determination of the IgE concentration in the blood serum of patients showed that there was a significant concentration increase to egg white, cat and black birch in severe AtD. Therefore, it is advisable to test for specific allergens in all patients with moderate to severe AtD. KEYWORDS: food sensitization, inhalation sensitization, atopic dermatitis, allergy, allergens, antibodies, immunochemiluminescence assay, IgE, triggers. FOR CITATION: Vasilyeva E.A., Rusak Yu.E., Efanova E.N., Lebedeva L.N. Food and inhalation sensitization in atopic dermatitis. Russian Medical Inquiry. 2021;5(1):17–20. DOI: 10.32364/2587-6821-2021-5-1-17-20.
Aim: to study the association of food and inhalation sensitization with the severity of atopic dermatitis (AtD) in order to improve its treatment and prevention methods
It is advisable to test for specific allergens in all patients with moderate to severe AtD
Что большая часть пациентов (36%) имеют сопутствующие заболевания ЖКТ, 32% больных страдают заболеваниями верхних дыхательных путей, 20% пациентов имеют сопутствующие аллергические заболевания других органов и систем, такие как бронхиальная астма, аллергический ринит или конъюнктивит
При исследовании активности ингаляционных аллергенов в 26% случаев выявлена респираторная сенсибилизация к эпителию кошки, в 24% случаев — к черной березе. При тяжелом течении АтД превалировали IgE к респираторным аллергенам: при n=38 концентрация IgE к эпителию кошки и черной березе составила по 12,4±1,4 МЕ/мл. Отмечена значительная сенсибилизация к пищевым аллергенам, а именно концентрация IgE к яичному белку — 5,4±0,9 МЕ/мл. Заключение: в исследовании выявлена сенсибилизация больных АтД к пищевым (преимущественно яичный белок, яичный желток, банан и коровье молоко) и респираторным (преимущественно эпителий кошки, черная береза) аллергенам. Определение концентрации IgE в сыворотке крови больных показало, что достоверное повышение концентрации IgE к яичному белку, эпителию кошки и черной березе наблюдается при тяжелом течении АтД. ДЛЯ ЦИТИРОВАНИЯ: Васильева Е.А., Русак Ю.Э., Ефанова Е.Н., Лебедева Л.Н.
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