
Urgency of the research. Today, humanity faces the challenge of hybrid wars - not only military aggression, but also the confrontation of financial systems. Russia's aggression against Ukraine is a starting point for the formation of the hybrid universe and violates the financial and territorial stability, causing devastating consequences for the economy. Target setting. On the eve of the developmen of the hybrid war, Ukraine was on the brink of a deep economic crisis, and defense financing was carried out on the principle of minimum sufficiency. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. In general, studies of "hybrid wars", or as they are also called "transformational wars", "mixed wars", "multidimensional wars", "unconventional wars", "non-standard wars", were engaged by such Ukrainian and foreign scholars as Antonov A., Gilov A. ("multidimensional or hybrid war"), Glen R. ("hybrid conflict", "hybrid war"), Golovchenko V., Gorbulin V., Doroshko M., Illarionov A. ("unconventional war","non-standard war"), Klymenko S., Kreveld M., Magda E. ("transformational war"), Surkov V. ("nonlinear war"), Hoffman F. ("mixed war") and others. Selection of unexplored parts of the general problem. The essence of the modern interstate confrontation, its financial prerequisite for achievement of the corresponding political and economic goals goals is insufficiently research. The research objective. Temporal occupation by Russia of part of the territory of Ukraine and the destruction of the system of world and regional security, the principles of the international law, led to the revision and clarification of the doctrinal provisions regarding to the formation and implementation of the national security policy of Ukraine and the amount of defense financing in accordance with the new Military Doctrine. The statement of basic materials. The necessity of a rapid increase in defense expenditures through the Russian hybrid war against Ukraine in order to maintain real independence and not to become a de facto Russian satellite. Conclusions. The state of the national economy is one of the determining factors on which the amount of defense financing depends. The lack of readiness of the Armed Forces in the beginning of the hybrid war to resist the enemy is a result of chronic underfunding for decades.

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