
Object. To study the clinical efficacy of the Acerbin solution in topical administration and its effects on the morphological changes in tissues in the complex treatment of chronic wounds by various etiologies. Materials and methods. The prospective clinical study consistently included 32 patients aged from 28 to 74 years (mean age 54.3 ± 3.6 years) with chronic wounds of various etiologies and localizations (did not heal against the background of local treatment within 30 days from the moment of formation). Patients were hospitalized in the Department of Wounds and Wound Infections of the A. V. Vishnevsky National Medical Research Center of Surgery in 2016–2018. 16 (50.0 %) patients were admitted with extensive nonhealing wounds on the background of chronic venous insufficiency (C6 according to the CEAP classification). In 7 (21.9 %) patients, chronic postoperative wounds of various localization were diagnosed and in 9 (28.1 %) – non-healing wounds after surgical treatment of the neuropathic form of diabetic foot syndrome (DFS) – Wagner II–IV. The protocol of local treatment in all patients was the same. After Acerbin solution applying, the wound surface was closed with a gauze cloth soaked in Levomekol ointment. Re-dressings were performed daily for the first 5–7 days, and then every other day. The average duration of treatment under dressings using a Acerbin solution did not exceed two weeks. All patients at the same time carried out qualitative and quantitative microbiological studies. For an objective assessment of the dynamics of the course of the wound process cytological and morphological studies were performed. Results. In all cases, the initial clinical picture corresponded to a sluggish chronic process. Microbiological studies have shown a variety of pathogens of the infectious process. As a rule, associations of gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms were detected. All isolated strains (Ps. Aeruginosa, E. coli, Acinetobacter sp., Kl. Pneumonia) were resistant to most broad-spectrum drugs, indicating their hospital affiliation. At 3–5 days of treatment in the cytograms changes in the cellular composition was revealed by increasing the number of polymorphonuclear neutrophils and a significant decrease in the number of polyblasts with their transition to active macrophages, a positive shift was observed during the wound process and an increase in the processes of biological wound cleansing. On days 7–10 of treatment the cytological picture indicated the activation of the regeneration process in the wound against the background of ongoing intensive biological cleansing. By 8–14 days of treatment, the wounds were completely cleared, which allowed to proceed to its final stage – to performance the reconstructive and plastic surgeries. Conclusion. Using the Acerbin solution in the complex treatment of patients with non-healing wounds made it possible to avoid additional surgical debridment. Purification of wounds from necrotic tissues and fibrin occurred in a shorter time compared with traditional methods of treatment, which made it possible to perform the reconstructive stage of treatment of patients in a shorter time.

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