
The article defines the place of planning in the system of strategic management, reveals modern trends, limitations and opportunities for its development. It is noted that strategic planning of sustainable socio-economic development of territories is a widely demanded practice of management activity. The most frequently used approaches to analyzing the state and choosing ways to solve the problem of regional sustainable development, as well as approaches based on monitoring the main determinants of the rates of economic growth and sustainable development, are defined. It is noted that the modern approach to the sustainable development of regions requires the creation of a balance between the economic, social and environmental components. The economic components of sustainable development are determined through growth, productivity and the fairness of the distribution of material goods. Social components include participation in decision-making, creation and promotion of social welfare for all population groups. Environmental components include preservation of physical and biological diversity and protection of natural resources. The author emphasizes that the problem of substantiating the theory of strategic planning and management is that the strategic process as a whole at the macro, micro or nano level involves the functioning and interaction of completely different components. They include: the object of strategic planning; subject of strategic planning; strategic planning process; strategy as a result of the strategic planning process. Attention is focused on the fact that the planning of sustainable development of regions should be based on the analysis of the state and capabilities of each of the territorial communities of the region and the region as a whole, under the influence of selected economic, social and environmental factors of development. The limitations and possibilities of strategic planning in the socio-economic development of territories are substantiated. It is concluded that the strategic planning of the sustainable development of territories is a continuous process that must be frequently monitored and updated. It involves the integration of many sectors and institutions, the use of innovation and technology, the promotion of community cohesion and sustainable economic growth.

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