
The article «Features of verbal, nonverbal and paraverbal communication of representatives of the Chinese ethnos as participants of intercultural contact» is devoted to the analysis of the features of representatives of the Chinese ethnos as participants of intercultural contact with the goal of mastering a new language. The author relies on the point of view that the study of each foreign language is an entry into a new culture, a new level and a scheme for mastering and comprehending the surrounding world, that is, immersion in various conceptospheres. That is why familiarity with the conceptospheres of different cultures is very important for ensuring the success of intercultural contacts. Codes of culture occupy a central position in the national cultural space and are the elements that create this structure. In different languages, messages can be coded differently, because in addition to the words-signs there are also signs-deeds, signs-drawings, etc., each of which has its own specialty in comparison with a similar code in another national culture. The information about the specific features of the main types of Chinese communication - verbal, nonverbal and paraverbal and some features and characteristics of their communicative behavior in conditions of foreign cultures was presented. Special attention was paid to the basic forms and methods of non-verbal communication of Chinese people: kinesics - a set of gestures, postures, body movements; takisiks - handshakes, touches, etc.; sensorics - a set of sensory perceptions, which are based on information from the senses and emotions; proksemiks - methods of using space in the process of communication. The article presents information on certain differences in verbal contacts between representatives of Eastern and Western cultures. It is proved that the communicative behavior of the Chinese is highly contextual, i.e. connected with the situation of communication, non-verbal symbols, etc., whereas the communicative behavior of the Slavic peoples is less contextual. Modern approaches to the study of this problem and the issues of information delivery and ensuring the success of its perception by the representatives of the Chinese ethnic community were analyzed. The materials of the article can be used by teachers working with Chinese students, and to facilitate the entry of the latter into a new language and culture. Key words: intercultural contact, communication, communicative behavior, Chinese ethnic community.

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