
The article studies the point of the levels of valency of the words of semantics of state with further comparative analysis of their valency in Ukrainian and English languages. The meaning of categorical valency and lexical compatibility of the words of semantics of state in both languages are being analyzed. The notion of lexical and syntactic valency of the words of semantics of state in Ukrainian and English languages is being determined. Defining the lecxical valency of the word aware, we used data about its syntactic valency and investigated its lexical compatibility. When we considering lexical valency, the lexical filling of syntactic valency models and the lexical filling of the Sub – St Prdv і Sub – StAttr syntactic constructions were traced. The lexical valency of the word булострашно (was scary) and its synonyms is being defined. The word of semantics of state було страшно (was scary) and its synonyms have the following types of syntactic valence: predicative valency (V ↔ StPrd), subjective valency (Obj′→ StPrd), object valency (St Prd/Attr/Com → Obj). The method of determing the lexical, syntactic, categorical valency of the words of semantics of state in Ukrainian language is the same as in the English language. To establish the categorial valency of the words of semantics of state, the words that belong to the main part-language digits of the words of semantics of state were analized, on the basis of which the words of semantics of state in the English language were formed: it is dangerous, it is comfortable, asleeр, afraid. The syntactic valency of the word of semantics of state aware and the units with which it is connected were considered from the point of view of connectivity of the word awarein the language, and the syntactic valency of the word of semantics of stateбуло страшно (was scary) and its synonyms and words with which it comes into contact was also figured out.

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