
In this article, oil and petroleum products are considered as an input factor in world trade and macroeconomics. Oil and petroleum products are the main goods of international trade. Due to economies of scale transportation of oil and petroleum products is simple and cheap. This largely explains why oil is truly an international commodity with a single market, while petroleum products continue to be traded in regional markets. For many countries, their trade in oil and petroleum products makes a significant contribution (both positive and negative) to the current account in the balance of payments. In particular, a number of oil exporters are heavily dependent on oil exports. In business, market analysis and marketing expertise assist managers in making management decisions. In particular, marketing research provides a wealth of information so that managers can maximize every part of their business to ensure the highest chance of connecting with customers and beating competitors. Marketing expertise and market analysis should form the basis of a business plan. When the leader understands the market, he will be able to plan how best to beat the competition, attract consumers, achieve the planned level of profitability. Marketing analysis of the market will allow managers to build their course, optimizing factors that can be controlled. These factors are a complex of marketing known as Jerome McCarthy's 4P concept (product, price, place, promotion). A mixture of sources, both primary and secondary, can and should be used to analyze the market and market expertise of petroleum products. The wider the variety of sources, the more detailed and reliable the picture can be created. This article presents the marketing analysis of the oil and oil products market. The analysis includes features of oil production, as well as features of demand for oil and petroleum products, such as global demand for emerging markets, efficiency of use and response to domestic demand. The results of the analysis provide a useful analytical basis for studying the effects of: changes in world GDP growth; changing the efficiency of oil products; and changing the supply of oil.

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