
Reforming higher education, including medical, involves the introduction of the latest educational technologies, which allows to prepare future doctors who can synthesize the acquired theoretical and practical material to correctly diagnose and choose treatment, make decisions in non-standard situations, ie, develop in them clinical thinking. It is established that the information provided in the text version is assimilated by about 70% of students, while the text is supplemented by diagrams, drawings, tables - about 95% of students. In addition, on the one hand it allows to cover the entire structure of the submitted material, on the other hand - reveals the specifics and features of each element in particular. One of the modern innovative ways of organizing information during learning is mental maps - a technique of visualization of thinking; method of recording, using lists and diagrams (for example, «trees» or charts). Mental maps are widely used during the learning process, for example to process and organize information, keep notes of practical classes conducting practical classes and lectures, create lecture presentations, activate the creative component to generate new ideas, brainstorming and more. Mind maps can be created both by drawing and using computer programs such as Google (www.coggle.it), Freemind, MindMeister (www.mindmeister.com) etc. Therefore, to better absorb information, improve the preparation of students for final certification and further professional activities, it is advisable to use a variety of modern educational technologies, including the creation of mental maps that develop thinking, memory and imagination, as well as creativity that promotes effective formation of professional competencies in students. The research was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Helsinki declaration. The study protocol was approved by the Local ethics committee of the participating institution. The informed consent of the patient was obtained for conducting the studies. No conflict of interests was declared by the authors. Key words: mental map, learning technology, information, educational process

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