
The article presents the results of the development of an integral indicator of road safety - the road safety coefficient. The value of the road safety coefficient shows how many times, at the same levels of motorization, the risk of death of a resident in road traffic (social risk) decreased/increased in comparison with the average social risk that existed in the world in the 40s of the last century, when there were no special programs on improving road safety. The use of the road safety coefficient allows you to compare the level of road safety in countries and regions with different populations and different levels of motorization. It is shown that social risk is a complex indicator, the value of which depends on the indicators of road safety at a lower level - the probability of participation of a resident in road traffic, which is equal to the value of motorization, the probability of death of a road user (transport risk), the probability of a road accident (active road safety), the intensity of road accidents (reliability of driving) and the average annual mileage of the car, the probability of death in a road accident (passive and post-accident safety). An equation is obtained that relates the value of social risk to the values of lower-level road safety indicators. The analysis of the level of road safety in Kyrgyzstan is carried out. It is shown how the condition of the traffic flow affects its average speed and the probability of road accidents. The influence of traffic flow density on its average speed and intensity of road accidents is considered. To assess the impact of the condition of a traffic flow on its average speed and road safety, the concept of the conventional density of a traffic flow is used. It is revealed that in the road conditions of Kyrgyzstan there is a critical conventional density, when exceeding it the transport risk, the probability of a road accident and the probability of death in a road accident begin to decrease rapidly with a further increase in the conventional density. The low efficiency of detection of exceeding a permitted speed when measuring the maximum speed of cars at certain points is shown. It is proposed to use the measurement of average speed on certain road sections as a means of reducing the number of drivers exceeding the speed limit.

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