
Due to the difficult socio-economic situation and worsening of demographic situation, including the consequences of hostilities and ongoing occupation of the part of Ukraine, today the importance of population study and the research on the factors influencing its changes is increasing. During the study of demographic processes on the basis of a thorough analysis, strategic decisions relevant to the use and reproduction of the country's labour potential, stimulation of the birth rate, reduction of mortality, increase of natural population growth, prevention of depopulation processes, providing effective employment and improvement of social protection of the people are made. The demographic factor is one of the determinants for ensuring sustainable and safe development of the country, and the issue of demographic development should be considered as a factor and at the same time as a result of the functioning of the state. The main purpose of the study is to identify trends in the changes of the main indicators characterizing demographic processes in the country. Methodologically and informationally, this paper is based on the scientific works, the materials from reccurent publications and Internet, the laws and regula-tions and the data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine and Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The methods used in the study are structural and dynamic analysis, comparison and generalization of the data collected by the State Statistics Service of Ukraine and Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. During a study of a phenomenon or a process, first of all, the categorical apparatus is determined. Based on the purpose of the study, the concept of reproduction and natural movement of the population is defined and their theoretical description is given. This paper considers the reproduction of the population as the historically and socio-economically conditioned process of constant and continuous renewal of hu-man generations. Since the natural movement of the population is a process analysis of the birth and death of people, this paper considers such types of population reproduction as archetype, traditional type, transitional type and modern type. For the analysis of the natural movement of the population as a component of demographic safety, the following indicators were evaluated: average life expectancy at birth; depopulation rate; the overall mortality rate of the country's population; in-fant mortality (child mortality up to the age of 1); total birth rate; net reproduction rate; marriage rate; divorce rate. The findings of the analysis show that the main rea-son of the worsening of demographic situation is decrease in the birth rate and in-crease in the mortality rate. Currently, the birth rate in Ukraine is largely limited by both economic factors (insufficient wages, shortage of jobs) and social factors (changes in reproductive habits and norms expressed in the popularity of single-parent families). The analysis revealed socio-economic factors influencing the demo-graphic situation in Ukraine.

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