
Calicivirus infection of cats is a highly contagious disease of animals of the cat family, which is clinically manifested by conjunctivitis, ulcerative stomatitis, rhinitis, tracheobronchitis, pneumonia, and accompanied by significant mortality. This infection is widespread in populations of domestic and wild felines throughout the world.According to modern world literature the manifestation of the disease depends on the strain of the pathogen. Depending on the strain infected with caliciviruses studs in some cases can be clinically healthy, others have ulcers on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and the symptoms are not much pronounced pneumonia. Less frequently recorded disease that is accompanied by lameness, abortions and severe pneumonia. However, the death of all forms recorded very rarely. According to many authors media avirulence and weakly virulent strains calicivirus of infection is 36% of cats.However, in the last decade were also recorded epizootics of severe disease, mortality is up to 50%. Clinically the disease was characterized by oppression, high continued fever, anorexia, edema of face and extremities, with lesions of dermatitis or alopecia on the face, ears and distal parts of the limbs. In the literature adequately described the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, and treatment of this disease, and pathological changes are described is not complete. In particular macroscopic changes at calicivirus infection, most authors describe conjunctivitis, stomatitis and pneumonia. The aim of this study was to examine in more detail the macroscopic changes in the internal organs of cats of various ages and breeds, died of calicivirus infection. the following tasks were set to achieve this goal, namely to carry out post–mortem dissection of cats with calicivirus infection to study the macroscopic changes in the internal organs in cats this disease and in detail describe the macroscopic changes in the internal organs of cats, not previously described.The material for the study were the corpses of five cats of various ages, who died of calicivirus infection. Autopsy corpses of cats was performed by partial evisceration at the Department of Pathological Anatomy of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. At postmortem autopsy in cats killed by calicivirus infection indicate catarrhal conjunctivitis, acute catarrhal rhinitis, stomatitis, glossitis, edema and serous and serosanguineous lymphadenitis, and venous congestion and pulmonary edema, liver hyperemia, Muscat. Observed myogenic dilatation of the heart and catarrhal duodenitis.


  • Scientific Messenger of Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies named after S.Z

  • Метою даної роботи було більш детально вивчити макроскопічні зміни у внутрішніх органах котів різних вікових груп та порід, що загинули від каліцивірусної інфекції

  • Calicivirus infection of cats is a highly contagious disease of animals of the cat family, which is clinically manifested by conjunctivitis, ulcerative stomatitis, rhinitis, tracheobronchitis, pneumonia, and accompanied by significant mortality

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Some macroscopic changes in internal organs cats died from calicivirus infection

National university of life and environmental sciences of Ukraine, Heroyiv Oborony Str., 11, Kyiv, 03041, Ukraine. Calicivirus infection of cats is a highly contagious disease of animals of the cat family, which is clinically manifested by conjunctivitis, ulcerative stomatitis, rhinitis, tracheobronchitis, pneumonia, and accompanied by significant mortality. This infection is widespread in populations of domestic and wild felines throughout the world. Метою даної роботи було більш детально вивчити макроскопічні зміни у внутрішніх органах котів різних вікових груп та порід, що загинули від каліцивірусної інфекції. Для досягнення даної мети були поставлені наступні задання: провести патолого– анатомічний розтин котів при каліцивірусній інфекції, вивчити макроскопічні зміни у внутрішніх органах котів за даної хвороби та детально описати макроскопічні зміни у внутрішніх органах котів що раніше не описувались

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