
The article is devoted to the organization of project activities in preschool educational institutions. The project method is presented as a way to implement the tasks of competency-oriented education, aimed not at integrating factual knowledge, but at their application and acquisition of new ones. The article reveals the essence of the introduction of project activities in the educational process of preschool education as a promising area of work that promotes the education of independent creative personality, able to make decisions, set goals, plan the activities and predict the results. The application of the project method in preschool education aims to stimulate children's interest in certain problems and solve them through activities, as well as the practical application of acquired knowledge and empowering children in self-realization. Project activity is one of the most promising components of the educational process, because it creates conditions for creative self-development and self-realization of preschoolers, forms all the necessary life competencies: multicultural, speech, informational, political and social. Independent acquisition of knowledge, their systematization, the ability to navigate in the information space, see the problem and make decisions happens through the project method. The variability and variety of content, methods and techniques of teaching and educating preschoolers requires a joint effort of teachers to radically change approaches to working with children, to reorient each employee to keep the child in the center of attention. Through innovative approaches to the content and forms of methodical work, in particular through the introduction of the project method in the work of preschool education, the actual tasks of increasing the professional skills of teachers are realized.

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