
The edible films were prepared from the protein of alaska pollack, Theragra chalcogrmma. Effects of plasticizer, cross linker and laminated film on physical properties such as tensile strength (TS), elongation (E) and water vapor permeability (WVP) of films were investigated. In adding various kinds of plasticizers, TS of the films prepared with propylene glycol (PG) was the highest, and followed sorbitol, polyethylene glycol 200 (PEG 200) and glycerol. Elongation of the films prepared with glycerol was the highest, then sorbitol, PEG 200 and PG. WVP of films showed lower in order of PG, sorbitol, glycerol and PEG 200.75 decreased with the increment of plasticizer concentration, but elongation increased, The addition of both PG and PEG 200 effected weakly on elongation, so they were inadequate as plasticizer for the film. Mixtures of glycerol and sorbitol, which showed opposing both TS and elongation in the films, could control the physical properties of the films. With increasing relative humidity, TS decreased, while elongation and equilibrium moisture content increased. By adding the cross linkers such as ascorbic acid, citric acid and succinic acid, TS and m of films increased, while elongation decreased. Ascorbic acid, citric acid, succinic acid were most effective for TS at 0.2, 0.1 and , respectively. Laminated film with alaska pollack protein and corn zein improved TS above two times, reduced WVP about , as compared with the Elm from alaska pollack protein. Two films did not show the difference to oxygen permeability, but they showed about tenfold greater oxygen resistance than polyethylene film. Laminated film showed higher b and E value of color difference, lower a and L value than the film from alaska pollack protein.

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