
The article reveals the relevant aspects of the professional training of applicant of the first level of training within the higher education in specialty 024 «Choreography» which have been caused by the beginning of the military actionі in Ukraine. The publication actualizes the updating of the educational components which are oriented on the formation of readiness of the future choreographers for the teaching Folk-Stage dance within educational institutions of various types. The authors underlined the importance of the determination and highlighting of Ukrainian folk-dancing culture in the content of the discipline «theory and Methods of Teaching Folk-Stage Dance». This also requires the revision of the list of nationalities within this discipline’s content. The research work contains: the analysis of the problem field of the professional education of Bachelors in Choreography which was revealed in the scientific dissertations in 2021. It also contains the analysis of publications on Theory and Methods of Teaching Folk-Stage Dance; analysis of content of syllabuses from different higher educational institutions. These syllabuses were devoted to the Teaching Folk-Stage Dance as the particular educational component. The article has references on authors of scientific-methodical literature on Ukrainian Folk Choreography, links on video-lectures of prominent masters of Folk Dance from different countries. The authors described the content component of teaching Ukrainian Folk Dance considering the regional peculiarity and uniqueness of the educational-professional program «Choreography». It is grounded the updating of the content component of teaching students Folk-Stage Dance with the orientation on the exclusion of the cultures of countries-aggressors. The content updating of the Folk-Stage Dance must underline the regional component (analysis and acquaintance with the folk dances of countries-neighbors, acquaintance with the national minorities of Berdiansk region) and cultural Euro-integration of Ukraine (certain countries of the European Union). The article names forms and methods of teaching Folk-Stage Choreography in the online format, tested by the authors during the educational process. These form and methods proved their effectiveness in professional training of Bachelors in Choreography considering the standard of specialty 024 «Choreography». The importance of the scientific research is in the relevance of the revealed problem field, understanding and reaction of authors on the educational changes within the martial law in Ukraine, practical significance of the informational material within the professioanl training of Bachelors in Choreography. Key words: Bachelor in Choreography, Folk-Stage Dance, Ukrainian Folk Dance, Forms and Methods of teaching.

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