
The modern state performs a lot more functions than in historical retrospective. In addition to the totality of social functions aimed at ensuring social guarantees in society and social justice, a large pool of new financial functions has been formed that are designed to ensure transparency of mechanisms for investing in objects of particular importance. This category includes transport infrastructure, the construction and modernization of which are aimed at ensuring sustainable rates of economic growth and domestic economic security. The basis of the mechanism of financial interaction between the state and corporate entities is the regulatory framework, including a number of documents, from decrees of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, expended in Federal Law No. 115-FL dated July 21, 2005 “On Concession Agreements in the Russian Federation” to the National Program “Safe and High-Quality Roads” and the Federal Projects “Road Safety” and “System-wide Measures for the Development of the Road Economy”. All these documents from the conditions under which participation in project financing or concession agreements is possible, which are used as part of a public-private partnership in the construction and modernization of transport infrastructure facilities. Of particular importance is the regulatory framework for the regions, forming on its basis regional documents regulating relations between the state and private corporate investors. In the article, the authors attempted to review the experience of the Ural Federal District in the direction of developing public-private partnerships in the field of construction and modernization of transport infrastructure facilities. The place of legal aspects in the formation of the investment status of individual subjects of the Ural Federal District is shown.

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