
The article substantiates the phenomenon of leadership, which is an important direction of the management system both in public authorities and in business structures. Approaches to improving the management model in terms of leadership positions and persons among representatives of informal leadership are analyzed. Formation of leadership in Ukraine as a complex and multifaceted process requires a comprehensive analysis. The correspondence of administratively appointed civil servants-managers to the positions they hold in terms of leadership positions in the team was considered, informal leaders who could apply for elected positions and persons whose leadership abilities need additional development were identified. An important prerequisite for the implementation of creative activity in leadership is the creation of a creative atmosphere in the team, accumulation of creative ideas, stimulation of the development of the process of self-realization and self-improvement of personnel, their personal and collective creative development, coordination of internal interests of employees with the tasks of the enterprise. Achieving a high level of the role of creative management is possible provided that during its construction such principles as: systematicity, relevance, hierarchy, effectiveness, accumulativeness of creative information are observed. At this stage of society's development, the task of mobilizing intellectual and creative resources of the organization to generate new knowledge and develop an innovative product based on it comes to the fore. People are the only source of new knowledge. Although different people to different degrees are capable of creativity, and according to the generation of new knowledge, everyone can develop creativity skills. For modern organizations, increasing their own creativity is connected both with the involvement of creative individuals and with the development of the creative potential of those already working. Creative management clarifies and details the functions of an employee in the field of innovative activity, therefore the concepts of "management" and "creative management" are clearly different from each other. The essence of creativity is manifested in personal, social and household levels. At the personal level, creativity is a creative attitude to one's own duties: a manager in the process of management, a researcher in the performance of research and development, a specialist in the performance of job instructions. The main application of creative management is this creation and motivation of human capital activity, activation of his creative potential. Organizational and client (consumer) capital is already a certain result human creative activity (human capital). Creativity is becoming more and more important not only for employees of creative professions, but also for managers, because in order to provide the company with advantages in the fierce competition today, creative approaches are necessary. managers are interested in developing their own creative potential, forming a creative environment at the enterprise, as well as creating effective creative teams that will be able to think outside the box, creatively, find new ideas and approaches to management.

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