
The purpose of the research – to conduct experimental testing aimed at evaluating of the automatic mobil milk receiving unit of domestic production. Research methods. During the testing of the automatic mobil milk receiving unit of domestic production the quality of the technological process was determined using the methods given in DSTU 7435: 2013 and DSTU 3662: 2018, operational-technological and economic evaluation was carried out according to DSTU 8424: 2015 and DSTU 4397: 2005, safety and ergonomics were determined according to DSTU EN ISO 12100: 2014. Research results. According to the results of experimental testing, it was found that the automatic mobil milk collection unit АППМ-1 at the appropriate level measures the amount of delivered milk with an error of 0,9 %, which meets the requirements of the TU (up to 3,0 %). The water temperature for washing equipment is 58 °C, which meets the requirements of TU (50-60 °C). The system of washing of surfaces of the automatic point which are in contact with milk provides high-quality washing of the equipment, existence of an intestinal stick (coli-titer) makes > 1,0 that meets requirements of TU (not less than 1,0). The period of acceptance, transportation and delivery of milk to the processing plant for one working cycle of procurement is 3,3 hours, which meets the requirements of the TU (not more than 4 hours). Productivity of the automatic point of reception of АППМ-1 milk during performance of technological process on reception, registration and transportation of milk in a radius of 30 km makes 363 l / h, for a radius of transportation in 50 km - 330 l / h, 100 km - 280 l / h, that meets the requirements of TU (275-360 l / h). Specific fuel consumption (liquefied gas) is 7,4 liters per ton of milk collected. Conclusions. The first experimental testing of the domestic automatic milk collection point APPM-1 showed that the equipment satisfactorily performs the specified technological process of acceptance, registration, short-term storage of milk obtained in private farms and transporting it to processing enterprises, according to the quality of the process meets the requirements of technical conditions. The automatic milk collection point АППМ-1 is characterized by a high technical level and can be used in Ukraine.

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