
Changes in Russian society, happened in the last three decades, determine the contradictory process of socialization of the younger generation. The blurry of perceptions about the type of personality demanded by society and the state, in many ways, determines the chaotic process of forming the values of young people, which proceed under the influence of random and sometimes divergent factors. Changing objective living conditions in modern Russian society leads to a significant complication of social self-determination processes, the formation of the problematic identity of various youth groups. The authors of the article focused on identifying local-territorial and sociocultural features of the memory of the Great Patriotic War of the students of the large regional centers of the Volga Federal District. The dynamics of this process are analyzed on the basis of data obtained during the research of historical memory of students of Nizhny Novgorod region and cities of the Volga Federal District in 2005–2015. The Volga branch of FCTAS RAS and LUNN, as well as the all-Russian sociological study of the Russian society of sociologists in 2020. The authors of the article substantiate the conclusion that the structure of the historical memory of young students is very selective, often without sufficient justification fixes attention on some events and ignores others, contributing to the mythologization of historical consciousness, disorienting it and creating a favorable ground for the emergence and strengthening of social destruction. The authors’ conclusion is convincing that without special eff orts of society, the state, educational institutions aimed at forming the historical consciousness of young students, it is impossible to maintain the attitude to the Great Patriotic War, as a landmark event in world and national history.

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