
The article reveals the concept of sociality as the need for a person to meet his civil rights and needs for a decent existence and social security. The realization of these existential needs today is faced with the problems of the dysfunctionality of modern democracy and the crisis of the social state, which causes conflicts around the world. Macro-conflicts of sociality arise. Among the reasons mentioned are the following: capital has ceased to serve production, creating new jobs, and engaged in a profitable business-speculation that gives it profit, while democracy has ceased to be the lot of the majority, it serves the few, while maintaining an advantage for the political and corporate business elite. Multinational companies that have an income, sometimes more than the budgets of several States, move their production to different parts of the world at their discretion, in search of greater profits. Thousands of workers are forced to move after it, without receiving social protection or civil rights. In addition, the digital revolution is in full swing. Scientists are talking about the Third industrial revolution, which led to information and communication technologies. The first was called first agrarian in the Neolithic period and was associated with the technization of land cultivation by man, which then passed into the industrial revolution of the XVIII–XIX centuries. The second industrial revolution took place in the second half of the XIX — early XX centuries. Today we are on the threshold of The third digital industrial revolution. Technological processes are being modernized, production automation is underway, and new high-tech equipment is being introduced, freeing up a lot of people employed in production. The classic working class is being transformed. New social layers are emerging. Among them: the precariat, informality, cognitariat with their problems of social vulnerability. They have a desire to create their own project for the reconstruction of the world in accordance with their understanding of social justice.

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