
In 2014–2019, we studied impact of various doses, methods and dates of applying of macro- and microfertilizers on seed and oil yields, oil content of sunflower variety Spartak bred in the Tambov Research Institute of Agriculture. The research was conducted in the Tambov region on typical black soils in 6-field crop rotation. We studied action of a liquid mineral fertilizer Megamix applied for beforesowing treatment of seeds and for foliar fertilizing of sunflower plants of the variety Spartak under application of N30P30K30 and N60P60K60. The scheme of a trial included variants with seeds treatment with the liquid mineral fertilizer Megamix and foliar fertilizing of sunflower plants in various phases of vegetative period, both separately and in complex with mineral fertilizers. For the first rotation (2014–2019), the highest seed and oil yields were obtained in variant five: N30P30K30 + seed treatment with Megamix (2.0 l per t), – 2.78 and 1.42 t per ha, respectively. The most effective method of microfertilizers application appeared to be before-sowing seed treatment. Variant five (N30P30K30 + seed treatment with Megamix (2.0 l per t) increased oil yield relative to control by 0.21 t per ha, and relative to variant two (only N30P30K30) – by 0.09 t per ha. The rest variants in the trial slightly exceeded control (variant one) both in seed and oil yields. We analyzed a role of traditional mineral fertilizers and liquid mineral fertilizer Megamix at cultivation of sunflower variety Spartak on typical black soil in the conditions of the Tambov region.

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