
This topic is relevant because local government is a very important element in building a democratic society in the Russian Federation. According to the current Constitution of Russia, local government bodies are the basis of the democratic system, as well as one of the key factors in the development of civil society in the country. In this regard, the authors decided to study the activities of municipal authorities and understand their role and importance in improving the level and quality of life of the population in the regions of Russia. The article describes the activities of local government bodies, their main purposes, tasks and functions, and describes a number of problems that local authorities may face when performing their municipal tasks. The authors considered such terms as «standard of living» and «quality of life» and defined them. In the article, the authors provide a detailed list of ways to improve the level and quality of life of the population in the region. The authors also tried to identify their role and significance in the socio-economic development of municipalities. As an example, which shows the competent work of local government bodies in the implementation of social policy, the municipal district of Tekstilschiky in Moscow was taken. The social policy of this municipality was considered in the system of providing social services to the population in the state budget institution territorial center for social services Kuzminki branch Tekstilschiky for 2020. In general, the authors express the hope that their article will be in demand in scientific circles, since it is part of their master's dissertation. The relevance of the research topic is due to the fact that the activities of local self-government bodies should be aimed at the comprehensive development of the municipality in social and economic terms. It is worth saying that today the problem of the effectiveness of local self-government bodies has not yet been fully studied, as a result of which many scientists and experts are puzzled by this issue. The purpose of the study is to analyze the activities of the local government to improve standard of living and quality of life of the population and to determine the main directions of its improvement.

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