
“Those who have a sincere love of truth, that it shall lead forth from the darkness of delusion and bring to the light of truth” (Saint Theophan the Recluse). The study of the heritage of the Archpastor of the Tambov Land – Saint of Tambov and Shatsk Theophan (Govorov) – still remains an urgent scientific task, as the knowledge of his creative works reveals the spiritual content of mankind. In this study we present the hagiography description of Saint Theophan during his stay in the Tambov Land, where the general civilizational principles are concretized by the data of the governorate. Saint Theophan the Recluse during his allegiance in the Tambov eparchy showed kind qualities of his soul, first of all, respectful attitude to people. He sincerely loved the truth, with all his soul was loyal to what he believed was true, without any self-interest. The Saint never ignored the petitions of the Tambov clergy and the flock, as well as all kinds of reports and protocols. With compassion and warmth he treated those who lost their breadwinner. At the same time, he showed the necessary firmness to the priests and clergymen who were negligent and violated the canonical rules and the church charter. Saint Theophan, the Archpastor of the Tambov Land, was shown to his flock as an example of a zealous doer in the field of the church, manifesting his versatile talents and, above all, upbringing and education.

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